Birds, Horses, Babies, Cars

Crikey Mate! She's a ripper! These are my aussie animal all stars to date. I'll append this message as new ones arrive. No zoos needed in Australia, just step out into your backyard!
I wrote up a flowchart to simplify animal identification in the bush. I've broken it down into a run/don't run structure that I believe will greatly decrease potentially dangerous encounters. I recommend memorizing this for future reference.
Great weekend trip! Royal National Park just south of Sydney is the second oldest national park in the world (next to the great Yellowstone NP). It has amazing vistas of the coast and a really rugged coastline.. but I just want to see the birds! Over 280 species have been spotted there. I'll have to believe them. But I did see two very exciting species, the famous lyrebird and the satin bowerbird (and his bower).
The lyrebird is famous for mimicking pretty much any sound. Other birds are their favorite subject, but people have observed them copying trains, chainsaws and even camera shutters. The one we saw/heard was apparently a star wars fan. Lyrebirds don't fly (tail feathers are like peakcocks), instead they are quite quick on their feet and managed to elude my camera at every turn.
Australia - we've been here since November 2005. I'd say time flies but it really seems like a lifetime since we arrived. These photos represent most of what we've been doing - hiking and exploring. I'd show you photos of Sydney, but 27 photos of the Opera house doesn't do Australia justice.