Berlin, Germany
Now that I've been to Berlin I'm can vote for the greatest cities in Europe. Rome, Paris, London and Berlin. Berlin has more history in the last century than all the rest put together. We were here a fair amount (5 nights) and still there is tons more to see.
War is the unfortunate reason to come here. WWI, WWII and the cold war were all centered right here in all their ugliness. Today Berlin is super modern and quickly growing out of its roles from the past. Hitlers bunker where he commited suicide is now a parking lot.This is one church we didn't bother going inside of. Bombed out in WWII, it was left as a reminder of the destruction of war. Something like 50,000 people died in Berlin from air raids.
The famous Berlin Wall. Now mostly torn down and only exists in a couple places. You can still buy little (fake) pieces of the wall.
The Battle for the Reichstag. The German symbol of power that the Russians wanted taken. During the battle for Berlin 305,000 Russians and 325,000 Germans (many civilian) died.
"Work makes free." Just north of Berlin is the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Over 100,000 people died by Nazi German hands. After the war the Soviets took control and continued using it as a prison for war criminals and political prisoners.
Germans love their beer (that guy on the right LOVES beer). It is legal to drink it everywhere. I bought a beer at the little stand there and then drank it on the metro. Refreshing!
The most famous spot in Berlin. On the third floor, on the corner and facing the Brandenburg gate is where Michael Jackson held his baby over the railing. I should draw some kind of cartoon of Michael on the balcony.